By Callum Stoneman, 30 November, 2013
Other Apple Chat
I have a couple of suggestions for Apple that I think would be good for blind users of both iOS and Mac devices.
The first one is if an app could have an accessibility rating somewhere in the info page of the App Store. Yes, I did see the post about how every app should be tested for accessibility and shouldn't be put on the App Store if it wasn't accessible, or whatever it was, and if the person who posted that artical is reading this then I am sorry, but I thought it was rediculus and unrealistic. This is a similar thing but I think more likely to happen. My suggestion is where you leave a review/rating of an app, there could be a button to add an accessibility rating. That way, a blind person has bought or downloaded the app and tested it and given other blind users a rating, and Apple haven't had to do anything extra, it is all done by us. And this still wouldn't defeat the object of this site, because if an inaccessible app hadn't been submitted on here yet, you can still look in the App Store and see if there is a rating there. Plus, this site can still offer forum posts, demos of apps and everything else, so it wouldn't mean there is no point of this site any more.
Please let me know what you think of this and if its a good idea, where could I send it too?