siri proxi website

By Holly, 21 June, 2012

Other Apple Chat
Hi all, I am a little confused about what I need to do. I just jailbroke my iphone 54 and am atempting to get Siri on it. I was given a source and downloaded acd sire from it but now I need a proxi for it and I don't what it is or where to get it. I have been told from people on Zelllo that I need to install something else as well before I can type in the proxy. Although I don'tt see why because I already have a text field for one in settings under ACD Siri. The source I was given by a friend is one that she has used for two devices and it has worked for her. It is something to do with Spire. the source is: Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks so much, Holly



By Shersey on Friday, June 22, 2012 - 14:41

only work on iOS 5.1. Here is an article detailing how to get Siri on your 5.1.1 install. Install SiriPort 5.1.1-3 On iOS 5.1.1 iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch [HOW TO] | Remember, you need to change both your root and mobile account passwords after jailbreaking! This is important, as both are ethe exact same thing, and are well-known and you will most-likely be hacked very quickly! This article details how to do so. How To Change the iPhone’s Root Password | iSource I had quite a bit of trouble with both the Mobile Terminal route and the SSH client route. I couldn't get Mobile Terminal to work whatsoever--typing in "passwd" did absolutely nothing--I wasn't even presented with the prompt after opening the app! The only thing stopping me from using WinSCP to change the passwords was the fact that I couldn't figure out how to tell WinSCP that my connection method should be SSH. It just kept failing--I was probably doing something wrong. Either that or that part of the program isn't accessible--though I strongly suspect that it was user error. If you get either of these methods working for you, could you let me know via another poste? I would be interested in how you managed to change the passwords. This is the only thing stopping me from jailbreaking. I want to jailbreak, but I want to be safe even more. I hope this helps, Shersey