Interactive Fiction: Do you have a favorite?

By Brian, 26 January, 2025

Other Apple Chat

Interactive Fiction, or (IF) games, have been around for many years. Interestingly enough, I did not get into them until after losing my eyesight. Even the famous, or infamous, Zork, did not grace my computer screen prior to the past decade.
Still, in the past several years I have played a ton of (IF) games. Some were phenomenal. Some were just ... bad!

How about you guys and girls? Do you, or have you, played any (IF) games? Is there a certain style of play you like? Perhaps a certain theme?

To give an example, I tend to lean towards Gothic horror. I like games that really draw me in, and intrigue me enough to keep me playing for hours at a time.
My current favorite, is a game by Hero Robb, called "First Times". It is a horror game, and what makes this game stand out is the fact that it has music and sound effects as you progress through the game. It is atmospheric and incredibly intense!

So how about you all, what are your favorites?

Discuss! 😃



By Brian on Sunday, February 2, 2025 - 22:31

The link below will take you to a website where this game is hosted. It is recommended you download this game and play it locally, rather than playing online, as the online version is a little buggy. Also to note that this, like mini IF games, requires you to type in commands in order to progress through the game. So touchscreen users may want to connect to a device with a keyboard for a better gaming experience.

By Khomus on Sunday, February 2, 2025 - 22:31

So Advent, which I've never beaten, Zork, some pretty obscure ones, e.g. one of the first ones I played was "Escape from the Dungeon of the Gods", usually just called Dungeon, on the Apple II E. You can still play it with an emulator.

Also, Eamon. They're not quite IF, since these days people seem to think IF means fairly complicated stories. So call them text adventures if you like. I know some people don't like that term but they're called that because most of the early ones were just that, adventures.

The closest thing I could compare Eamon to is probably a single player MUD. Just like MUDs can have different major areas, you build a character in Eamon, and then each adventure is on its own disk. The cool thing was that when you switched disks, your character would get written to that adventure's disk. So the only way to get back is to complete the adventure, or die trying.

Because it was an open-ended system, you had everything from standard Medieval fantasy gibberish, think DND, to Westerns, to space stuff, all kinds of things. It's a really interesting gaming system. You can try some of it online at:

Or if you want pretty much everything, you could download a talking Apple II E emulator and the disk images. But I assume the online version will satisfy most folks.

By Michael Hansen on Sunday, February 2, 2025 - 22:31

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Hi all,

We appreciate that there is much interest in playing old games using modern solutions. Unfortunately, this is a legal gray area; and hosting discussions of emulators, sharing ROMs and/or other software files, and promoting use of software in ways not permitted by developer licensing terms leaves AppleVis open to intellectual property/copyright issues and significant legal risk. While we appreciate that others may choose differently, this is not a risk we are willing to take.

With this in mind, several comments related to the aforementioned areas were removed from this thread. Thank you for your understanding.