I want to jailbreak

By allabtech, 26 October, 2024

Other Apple Chat

Hi all,

I've been wanting to jailreak my iPhone but before I get started, I have some questions.

1. Can you get in trouble for jailbreaking? Or in other words, can you be taken to jail if I do decide to jailbreak?
2. Can anyone help me find the right tool for jailbreaking?




By Igna Triay on Saturday, October 26, 2024 - 22:14

No, you cant get in trouble for jailbreaking, though do keep in mind, do so at your own risk, as duing this voids your device's warranty, as long as it is jailbroken. If you remove the jailbreak, the warranty should, in theory, still be in effect, as there's no way for apple to know if the phone was jailbroken after you restore it via finder or itunes to its factory state, though this is a loophole which people have been exploiting. so do be aware of this before you do so.
As for the best tool to do so, I cant really help there as I haven't done this myself as it doesn't really interest me, so someone who knows more on good tools to use would be better to answer that question.

By Blindxp on Saturday, October 26, 2024 - 22:14

I’m surprised I’ve never really seen anybody ask if they can jailbreak their device in 2024. Most of the features that you get from jailbreaking are already available now.

And just to confirm, yes you will violate your warranty, however this won’t matter if you have a really old device, like iPhone 6 or something.

As for the best to, it depends. There are free jailbreak options you can choose from.

• jailbreak, requires you to use a computer to jailbreak. Also requires you to plug your iOS device in after a reboot All power on to reach jailbreak. This is the same as a semi jailbreak basically. Although I don’t know what a semi to jailbreak is compared to a one. However, an uncovered jailbreak is where from what I know you don’t need a computer to do the jailbreak or the rebooting or power on process. Then again I don’t actually try and do this type of stuff. to any of my devices as I’m not exactly the most tech savvy, I’m good enough but I’m not that good LOL.

I do want to warn you though. After each jailbreak you cannot do over the air update. In fact, I’m pretty sure it suggested that you don’t update at all after jailbreak, because Apple tends to release updates that patch jailbreaks. Which is also why you need most likely an older device, because most your iOS versions jailbreak exploits have been fixed.

Personally I don’t recommend you jailbreak, especially because of the fact that you could mess up your device if you do the wrong thing, but also for the violation of warranty, and the fact that most features that you could use on a jailbreak are available on iOS now. So it just doesn’t make sense for me to jailbreak, but then again I only use the most common features, AirDrop iMessage FaceTime in mouth Safari YouTube good enough for me.