Getting app store link.

By Jakob Rosin, 27 October, 2011

Other Apple Chat
I just did my first app directory entry and had some trouble finding the app's link on app store. I folloved the directions given here:, but failed. I use jaws 12, iTunes 10,5 and the latest blind tunes scripts. I searched from google for the app and got a app store link, but i'm not shure, is it correct. My app directory entry is here: If someone is able to help me with this issue, i'd be really happy, because I like apple vis and would like to help to submit content here in the future also, but I would like to do it right way.



By David Goodwin on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 06:08

Hi Jakob,

Thanks for adding the Google Authentication app to the App Directory ... the iTunes link is fine.

One quick and easy way that I have found to get these links is by finding the app in the App Store on my iDevice, and then double-tapping on the 'Tell A Friend' button. This will create a draft email that contains the link.


By Brie96 on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 06:08

If I add an app to the app directory do I just have to write out the entire description of the app as it is given in the app store? Or is there a way I can copy it? I mean with my IPhone.
Just open iTunes, and select iTunes Store in the tree-view. There's a search-box you can shift tab to, type the name of the app and press enter. Then press F6 for the results. You may have to select "apps" to narrow down your search. Then find the app you'd like the link to, and find the combo box for more actions for that app. Select "Copy Link," and press enter. You've now got the link to the app's appstore page on your clipboard, and can paste it into your browser for all the info you'll need to submit entries to this site, including the description. HTH