Create your own AI generated music on Suno.

By DMNagel, 10 May, 2024

Other Apple Chat

Hi all. I have discovered a neat little place where you can generate your own song with the help of AI. Since I was only using my iPhone, I first had some trouble signing up, because clicking on the signup link wouldn't work. Eventually, I was able to sign up by entering a separate link into the address bar. For this purpose, I will post two links on here, one for signing up in case you have trouble, and another for the site itself. If you use only your iPhone like I do, you may get an error message after signing up, but just ignore it and close the browser, before entering the original link for the site. Using the browser version will grant you 50 free daily credits. Here is the signup link I used.
And here is the original link for the site.



By Cornettoking on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

I don't get the AI craze in creative fields. All this will lead to is the devaluation of art and the redundancy of all kinds of artists: musicians, designers, singers, etc.

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

The playing field is levelled and monopolies are broken. I don't have a problem with it. To each their own I guess

By Gokul on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Well, this argument must've been around when machines first started mass-producing things during the industrial revolution. Theoretical Marxism has a term for this I'm sure. But you can pass the judgement as to whether shift to machine-oriented production helped the humanity or not, and also as to how the value of hand-made products have been impacted by the arrival of machines. I guess this is something like that.

By Cornettoking on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

No, it's not the same thing. When machines started mass-producing, new jobs were eventually created. I can't see the jobs lost by artificial intelligence replaced by newly created jobs (except for programmers, but that job already exists).

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

The true purpose of this thread is to point out a website to the community, answer questions about its accessibility or lack there of, and help people navigate and use it to the best of their ability. Anything other than that is irrelevant.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

I really hate this argument. It doesn’t make Artist redundant at all. AI has been in our music for over a decade. If good music is made people will listen if it sucks people won’t regardless of who or what it is. At the end of the day it’s still a human that is composing it…writing the lyrics, creating the melody, putting everything together my 2 albums witch are on Spotify and Apple Music are a testament as what can be done with program if hard work is put in. Yes I’m a pro member. If you want to check out my albums, you can listen to them here.

By Simone Dal Maso on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

can we respond to the user instead of talking about these completely useless things?
If you don't like a topic, no one is forcing you to read it, and it's not that important to know that you don't care.

coming to something constructive, with the iphone you can't manage that site.
You have to use a PC, I have Windows but I don't think you'll have any problems using a Mac.
There are some inaccessible parts with unlabeled buttons, so every now and then you'll have to mash to figure out what a particular button does.
I am a musician, but I had a lot of fun creating song pieces with Sonu. Above all you can take pieces as inspiration, because honestly for the moment he is not able to really create complete songs.
Very often it tends to be based on the pentatonic scale, for no real reason; other times he starts to create excellent intros, but then is unable to follow a sensible harmonic line for the entire song.
He does well with short instrumental pieces, but on classical music he is terrible, forget it.
Get a PC, register with Google or any social network and then have fun!

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

It's true that it's very much cluttered and it gets worse with the more songs you create. It's not exactly the most pleasant walk in the park, but it's doable and it takes getting used to. My biggest issue is when trying to browse other songs. I'm not even sure if it's possible to search, but as far as making my own stuff go, I'm not having that many problems. I have no doubt that PC users will have a better time.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Both my albums were created on iPhone. Just make sure you clean out your generations or like me, you’re gonna have hundreds of pages lol and then it becomes hard. Now that being said, you will need a computer to download your songs if you are a pro user as for some reason on iPhone the download just takes you to the sharing. As a free user I don’t think you can download. And your better off writing your own lyrics in custom mode, it’s internal lyric generation is terrible. I mean it’s great for practice for sure but custom mode is where it’s at with this. I posted a couple of links above so you can see what is possible with Suno. I don’t post the Suno links because others can steel your songs and the only thing that sets you apart from other creators is your prompting and lyric writing. So my prompting is my secret haha.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Ive been using this for a while and I’ve managed to grow my audience on Spotify to about 170 monthly listeners. I really can’t wait to release this next project. When I’m not working I’m writing and creating music lol.

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

As of today, I seem to be able to download just fine. When I click on audio, it will download in MP3 format, and when I click on video, it will download in MP4 format. Previously, I also had trouble where I was just taken to a share screen, but the problem seem to have been fixed.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Oooooo sweet maybe they got tired of my wining hahaha. Trying this now lol.

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Let me know if it works. Strangely, only mp4's can be shared on facebook.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

It works like a charm! I wouldn’t do that if I were you, the video shows the lyrics kind of all messed up and it shows all of your prompting. What I do is I actually create music videos with. Kaiber.

By Holy Diver on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

I love suno and, hey, I understand the criticisms and am even symathetic to them but the cat's well and truly out of the bag now. Whatever's going to happen will happen, we can get with the times, with all the good bad amazing and awful things that entails or we can get left behind on principle. The choice is yours obviously but you can't stop the wave at this point, it seems to me you can either ride it or kindly get out of the way before you drown. :)

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

You can edit a post, but not delete it as far I know.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

I saw a comment above where it stated that it can’t complete full songs. I would like to share this with y’all so you can see just how good this program really is if you really take the time to learn it. This is my new released single breath of embers from an album dropping this summer. The music video was created with kaiber and I built the song with Suno. All lyrics were done by me, Melody, created by me this program gave me the voice and the instruments. This type of music is not for everyone, but it’ll give you a better understanding of what’s truly possible with Suno.

By Holy Diver on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

First, I'm not annoyed at any comments here and I think it is quite related I was just responding which maybe I shouldn't have done lol. It's an important debate and we'll have to grapple with this even more in the coming years. As far as suno I prefer it on the computer, works a bit better with NVDA than Jaws but either can manage, I haven't tried on iOS yet but will get around to it this weekend. In some ways I prefer the competition udio although it's considerably less accessible, like I've not figured out how to use it yet but the results sound a little more believable and interesting to me especially vocally. Still I love using our own lyrics in Suno and consider that a kind of art, I don't really feel the same about AI generated lyrics as fun as they can be.

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

That was great stuff man. So, you mean to tell me, one can actually go as far as creating your very own melody as well? Obviously you have your secrets and I don't expect you to tell me anything, but this obviously means that I have some messing around to do lol. I do however, manage to finish my own songs on proper notes, so I guess that's something. Oh and I believe I'm the first liker of that video lol.

By Holy Diver on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

The interface on udio intimidates the hell out of me but it seems like you have a lot more granular control over the different voices, sound effects etc. I've seen some funny fake comercials, pretend emergency alert broadcasts for the zombie apocolypse etc I think you'd struggle to get Suno to be that creative. That said I think suno is much better at knowing what music genres typically sound like, you'll get more things to sound the way they do on radio and albums but it's a little more conservative if that makes any sense. Udio vocals also have this really fun analog sound that would have been super familiar in like a 1950s jukebox or something, not as high fidelity as the Suno pro I paid for but it sounds more lifelike in a way.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

So there are a couple things with udio to note.
You can’t coach it like you do with Suno,
It really has a hard time with cross genre styles,
I find the melodies to be a lot smoother with Suno,
I’m not a fan of the TOS as last I looked, you don’t own what you create whereas with Suno, you own your music and you can use it for commercial use if you are paid subscriber.
Me personally, I’m not a fan of the voices udio creates and I’m not gonna lie, A lot of people that I encountered only like it because right now it’s free.
My biggest issue with udio is the songs never come out sounding like studio quality.
I personally like Suno because of the sounds that it is able to produce.
Not harping on those who like it, everyone has their own personal preference when it comes to sounds and musical styles, this is just my opinion.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Thanks so much for the support!
You can, it just takes a lot of prompting and a lot of credits to come up with a specific sound and style that you’re looking for.
You need to have a visual interpreter describe the video to you, it’s pretty epic I must say!
If you’re on my channel, also check out my other music video: from the heart it feeds.
I will link it here as well for easy access.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Thank you so much for your support!

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

I see there is a Suno AI app, but it doesn't seem to recognise my free daily credits, which makes me wonder if it is, or has anything to do with the browser version we know. Does anyone know anything about it or it's accessibility?

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Just had to look at this for myself as I didn’t realize they had an app already. It looks like in order to access your credits you have to sign in however, it looks like right now you can only continue using Apple so I can’t even test out the app because I used Google to sign up.

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

I've messed around with it a little and signed in, but my credits are no where to be found. Oh well.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Honestly, I don’t really see a point in the app because I find the browser works just fine but again that’s just my preference 😊

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Stick with what works lol.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Once you get very familiar with Suno, you should try to create music videos using kaiber ai… it’s fantastic. It will take some tinkering and using third-party apps like Be My Eyes so it will describe the image generations it creates, but it’s a lot of fun.

By DrummerGuy on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Congrats, man! What an awesome job! It sounds splendidly. Thanks for sharing.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Thank you so much appreciate you 😊.

By Brad on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

It's really awesome that this stuff can be made.

I tried suno before and couldn't get the hang of it.

I think I tried typing in something like, Indian clasical with bansori and it just couldn't do it.

one thing I've noticed with these two songs is they do sound very samey, I wonder if that's a limitation of the software.

As for the whole AI thing, it's going to keep happening whether we like it or not so i'm going to see what it comes up with for us in the future.

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

It's just a musical version of ChatGPT. With AI, it's always a work in progress, so one can expect a few hiccups every now and then, from lyrics being displayed poorly, to weird sound quality and God only knows what else. On the other hand, it's always a unique journey with this stuff, and I'm interested to see how far it will progress.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

If you use it in custom mode you can put in all of your own lyrics and prompting. I hate when it comes up with lyrics lol.

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

I tried it, and it works most of the time. I have had at least one instance where some of my lyrics got lost lol, just a few minor hiccups here and there, but it's all good. All I'm saying is that, it often takes patience and a guiding hand in order to make it function the way we wanted to. It's like being the passenger of someone who only has a learners license. Every now and then, you still need to give some instructions lol.

By DMNagel on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Just before I get to my songs, there are three numbers. The first is 0, the second 70 and the third is 2. The second and third are slowly climbing. What are they for, and I hope they aren't bad lol.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 22:05

Honestly, I’m not entirely sure. Could it be how many clips you’ve generated? I’ve never really known what those numbers mean.

By Stephen on Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 22:05

So I have a single coming out on May 28 for an album that I am releasing on July 1 this year.
The single this week is going to be featured on an online radio station and I will be making a guest appearance on Monday.
No, nothing I have has been listened to by anyone else but me and this DJ.
We will probably have a brief conversation about AI and how it relates to music and a couple other fun things.
Crossroad confessions is being released on Spotify, iTunes and anywhere you get your music on July 1.

By Winter Roses on Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 22:05

Hey, Stephen, great songs.

By Stephen on Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 22:05

I appreciate that. This new album is going to be a bit different from anything I’ve done so far. Essentially I took everything I’ve learned over the year weather that’s prompting, lyric writing data Analysis, all comes together in this latest project. If you want to pre-save the single coming out on Friday here is the link.

By Orinks on Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 22:05

I've heard of this video generator, and I've also heard of Noisee. Does Kaiber only provide the images and you have to stitch them together with third party tools?
I'm a top creator on Suno it seems, have well over 1000 plays and my plan is to take the top songs on my profile and publish them to music platforms; I'm a paid user.

I also like Udio, but don't like the idea of giving them credit on platforms. Udio generates certain genres way better, E.G. musical theater. Harmonies, etc. Also, if a song on Suno goes over a certain length, the sound quality starts to degrade, even if you put breaks and instrumental sections in the song. With Udio, this is much less noticeable.

I'm always up for learning prompting, and the way I like to do that is to get the song links and learn what people do. However, sometimes that doesn't tell the whole story, as it were, because you can extend, change the prompt, and we can't see those other prompts.

Steven, when you say you can coach Suno, do you mean controlling extensions with time selection/continue from?

Anyway, I love this AI stuff, and as a creative, it's helping, not hindering output. Wait until Eleven Labs comes out with their music model

By Stephen on Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 22:05

No so kaiber gives you a prompter and based off of your prompts, it’s gonna come out with four different previews for your video to start. You can either choose one or keep adding different previews, but it will actually make the entire video for you. And honestly, I’m not sure where everyone seeing this whole extend this song reduces the quality because it really hasn’t done that to any of my projects. I also spend hundreds, if not thousands of credits on each extension. I’m extremely fussy yet Patient with the output. Don’t mind spending a bunch of credits to get it to do what I need. And regards to prompting and kind of coaching the program, I just can’t tell ya I’m sorry. In this day and age, prompting is proprietary. I can’t have people copying my style and sound. I say that truthfully and jokingly 😊. That’s why I never publish any of my Suno links. Nobody will ever see what I do behind-the-scenes lol.

By tunmi13 on Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 22:05

Thanks for posting about this! I've been using Suno for quite a few months now, and it is very fun to mess with.
I have created a YouTube channel specifically for screwing around with AI, called Quantum, or the handle @quantam_ai. It is pretty fun to screw around with all of these AI websites and see what you can accomplish.
It only has 1 video on it at the moment, but here it is.
I may have to change the name eventually, because I found out that Google uses that same name for their service, and I had no clue.

By Stephen on Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 22:05

Ok ok all!
A couple things to share with y’all.
Today is the day where you will hear a brand new song before release on an online radio station. The song/single for the upcoming album will be released on May 28. Album is going to be coming out on July 1.
The single has also been entered to win $1000 for the AI music awards.
Want to hear it before release date?
Join us today at:

The show starts at 7 PM Eastern.