Any Thoughts On Creating An Apple Siri Shortcuts Forum/Directory?

By Trenton Matthews, 19 September, 2024

Other Apple Chat

Or is this more of the right area for such.

Just thought of that since Im sure there's many peeps on here who would probably discover tons of them they could share that'd be quite useful.

In addition, I'm not even sure if there's talk/pods among these forums much with Shortcuts being used with the 'Action' button.

And then ya got the ability to use Shortcuts via the Control or lock screen in iOS 18 now? Where's the praise!

Me wonders if that Siri Shortcuts audio series needs a revisit someday.



By Michael Doise on Monday, September 23, 2024 - 23:08

Hi there,

I am a huge fan of shortcuts, and I've been meaning to build a website to collect shortcuts for a while, but haven't had the time. We have a forum set up for these over at The direct link to the forums can be found at

I've always loved shortcuts, and I think it would be cool to build a community around them.

By Trenton Matthews on Monday, September 23, 2024 - 23:08

I thank you for the above tip, shall definitely check out said forum space over there!

A note about the link you shared, please edit it so it has HTTP in front of it. It's not clickable at the moment.

By Oliver on Monday, September 23, 2024 - 23:08

There is a reddit for shortcuts too which is worth checking out.

they are good. What I was thinking about today was using the action button like a walki talky button... Too much stranger things. Not quite sure how it would work, in theory you would need an app too that played incoming messages instantly, a walki talky mode kind of thing. I would love this to work with whatsapp, as that is my messaging service of choice, but I'm not sure apple allows for such deep access to something like automatically playing audio from an app.

By Samanthia on Monday, September 23, 2024 - 23:08

I would love a directory of all the shortcuts people have found useful. I currently use a shortcut with my action button to toggle voiceover off and turn the brightness from 0 to 100 because I'm always handding my phone to sighted people to show them something, so it saves a lot of steps. The shortcut will also toggle voiceover back on and set my brightness back to 0 when I press it again. I've started just using that to toggle voiceover on and off when I need to reset it instead of the tripple press of the side button. It's a lot easier.