hi! I don't sure if my subject could be ask here but i asking so manny were that i don't know where to ask.
I have exp experience problems with windows10.
It's started in 10, before t's worked propally. In windows8 i have maded all, but after update fo windows10 it's bin start. Firstly my shortcut to start+d or m dosn't work. Second, showing me the serch box and not the start menu. In older to the task bar i need press start'b. There isa program that could be ted all the things of shortcuts? It's working in this mode i windows10 with boot camp?nr
By Lielle ben simon, 5 January, 2016
macOS and Mac Apps
Please be advised that windows 10 has somewhat different shortcuts than what you're use to. I would suggest you read any documentation on it to verify.