What are the real possibilities with voiceover and apple script?

By TheBlindGuy07, 27 February, 2025

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello applevis,
I am posting this in the macos thread because at the end of the day it's about voiceover itself and not really pure programming question, but please don't hesitate to correct me.
So on the wonderful why you stick to windows thread apple script was mentioned and that it allows quite a lot within the apple ecosystem. This, however, has brought up to me a question I haven't been able to answer for an year.
Up until now, I've read the relevant documentation about voiceover dictionary in apple script, as well as the general apple script doc.
I might be wrong, and that's why I'm asking this here; I'm sorry, but apple script and voiceover seems to be the worst gimmick thing apple's ever done, useful and seeming cool for 2 minutes but allowing very few practical, actually useful element to voiceover.
Apple script, automator and now the new shortcuts seem to be 3 different things for more or less the same purpose, automation, or performing x task programmatically. I'd say that to my understanding and current (hopefully false) knowledge, apple script is a complement to bash/zsh with some gui elements in it.
This doesn't seem to be any useful to solve any real accessibility problem. Okay vocr is obviously the best example, and it helps solving a real problem in a clever and nice way. Cool! But except that? Jaws scripting allows behavioral change of the screen reader in an app or within xy context. Nvda addons... you can literally do anything and everything. For both we have actual apis relating to the screen reader allowing a direct control of said screen reader, with insane results.
Voiceover doesn't seem to have any of these. I know that when a programmer is clever enough in theory everything is possible, and apple script is a sort of language by itself. But really? Like... It seems that apple script was given some voiceover surface level control just so that apple can claim oh our screen reader has scripting too. But in practical terms I really can't see anything useful and substantially doable with it, if it laks a basic api to control its behavior or information it gets and the output it gives to the end user.
And I read somewhere that voiceover with apple script has even lost some capabilities that it previously had, something related to events? ... Couldn't find more detail about it.
Can you please help me understand this?
