VoiceOver and Salesforce

By Cowboy, 4 August, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

I have used Salesforce with windows, but I was wondering about peoples experiences with Salesforce on a Mac using VoiceOver? How well does it work, and what do you have issues with?

Thanks in advance for your responses.



By Adaria on Sunday, August 20, 2023 - 19:51

I've been told that the accessibility for Salesforce on Mac is lacking to the point that a place that offers salesforce courses either recommends or requires students to have a Windows machine for the course because it is just not great at all.

By Angel Blessing on Sunday, August 20, 2023 - 19:51

With the accessibility of Sales Force there are things in the works to make this more accessible. I know of the business that has the sales force trainning, and they dostate that it is a good idea to have a windows computer, to use sales force but from what I know. that trailhead is working on things along with sales force to make this accessible to all blind users if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

By Kevin Shaw on Sunday, August 20, 2023 - 19:51

the Mac app and website may have varying levels of accessibility, depending on how your organization has configured your own particular form controls. I worked in an organization where we used Sales Force and had our own customized fields that were accessible to a point. The app itself was fully accessible with VoiceOver.

By Angel Blessing on Sunday, August 20, 2023 - 19:51

From what I remember, the Sales Force software is mainly web based. So that Yes, you can get custom fields created by the company that is building the software /web app via the different controls but out of the box sales force is not all that accessible from the mac side of things.

By Angel Blessing on Sunday, August 20, 2023 - 19:51

I have to agree with you trailhead does only have the support for NVDA, or JAWS.
I had been told that when and if Sales force gets around to it they should be able to get things working but for now the best bet is using windows with sales force, and nvda, or jaws. there are a few tricks I know of as to geting sales force to work with nvda, or jaws but they would only work with windows.