Using LastPass on the mac

By Raul, 27 May, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps


Since I can't afford 1password, I installed LastPass on my machine because it had quite good reviews.
It took me a while to get it running but there wa no problem so far. The thing I find not accessible is the context menu options when in a form, for example to indicate you want to replace the old password with a newly generated one. The manual says that option is there, but VO only reads LastPass.
Does anyone use this manager? Do you replace the password manually?



By Steve Holmes on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 - 13:25

All Last Pass activities are contained inside a frame. Look for something like "Frame 0" or "Frame 1" depending on how many other frames there might be on that website. Just interact with that frame. I always found stuff inside the Last Pass frame to be accessible. My big complaint lately with Last Pass is the way it keeps grabbing focus away from the current page. Maximizing Safari seems to stop this. I hope I understood your question properly.

By Raul on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 - 13:25

The safari Fullscreen mode was a good tip, thanks. But what I was saying is, for example, if I create a new account on applevis, with my user and pass, LastPass prompts a notifications asking if I want to save that new site. I am not able to reach that notification, when I go to the LastPass frame there is not any subframe, just the vault, dites, etc.