Toggling Live Regions On and Off for Web Navigation

By Wayne A, 7 September, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

Sometimes, when on a website, there are annoying announcements from live regions, which can make the website unusable. For example, when trying to purchase foreign currency using my bank's web page, partway through the process, a live region keeps announcing that there are x minutes before the quoted rate expires. This makes it impossible to continue with finalizing the purchasing. Another example involves several web pages with embedded ads. There is a constant announcement that the ad will end in x seconds.
When I encounter these situations, I can go to VO Utility (VO F8) and uncheck the "Enable Live Regions" checkbox. However, for other websites, this functionality is critical and must be toggled back on using VO Utility.
I tried to create a keyboard commander to toggle "Enable Live Regions" on and off. The function is listed under the Web menu category when creating the commander. However, while the command is listed in the Keyboard Commanders table in VO Utility, it does not work.
Does anyone know if this is a bug, or am I doing something wrong. It's not a serious issue since I can go into VO Utility and toggle the setting. I'm just trying to save some keystrokes.



By Voracious P. Brain on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 21:13

The tip-off is that the commander option says toggle live region (singular) and the web setting is plural. The commander hotkey works for me when I am focused on the output region. Tested on the Decue live region playground