Think OS Cleaner is worth $10?

By Bruce Harrell, 24 December, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

I'm thinking about buying a Mac utility app called OS Cleaner for $9.99. The free version of OS Cleaner looks accessible.

Anybody have an opinion whether it's worth ten bucks or whether I should stay away from it?



By Siobhan on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 - 05:43

You can buy a one time purchase i don't remember how much it is. It's completely accessible but it goes further then duplicated files. Things like getting the rest of programs uninstalled, it also has a spyware scanner. I've used it on the second Mac i'm writing this on. If I can find a referal link, i'll paste it. i'll save if i buy a subscription, though I don't want to do that but you'll save on the purchase of however you want to do it. Forget the last few sentences, you can't seemt o share an invite code. sorry about that.