A temporary solution for Apple Music access

By Ashley, 20 December, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

Access to Apple Music is broken on the Mac as of MacOS 15.2, and like most Voiceover bugs APple is showing no sign of finding a solution despite this effectively removing access to a service we pay for. Having coresponded with them recently they really seem to care very little. I became frustrated today trying to find something new to listen to and eventually discovered Apple Music has a web player. This might be old news to some, but it turns out the web player is fully accessible. It's actually a much nicer experience than the Music app, though if anyone from Apple is reading this I would still like the Music app bug ironed out yesterday.

For those who want to try it: https://beta.music.apple.com/

I have no idea if it supports lossless playback (literally the only reason I still use Apple Music at all), I somehow doubt it. But for now, it's the only way we long-suffering Voiceover users can access the subscription we pay for on the Mac. Note - after you sign in, a selection may appear to Voiceover at the bottom of the page asking you to confirm your country. Until you do, songs will only play as previews. Hope this helps someone out there.



By Ashley on Friday, February 14, 2025 - 03:03

still broken as of 15.3.1. anyone had any useful discussion with Apple on this issue? They don't seem interested at all.