Syncing Custom Tones to my iPhone from Mac

By Changeling, 29 May, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

I am attempting to sync a couple of custom tones to my iPhone from my Mac. All of the support articles I can find say to drag and drop the file into the syncing area for my phone.
Drag and Drop with voiceOver is so unreliable that it may as well not even be included as a feature in VoiceOver. I tried it for the sake of thoroughness, though, and sure enough, I got a Could not Drop message when I attempted it. I attempted it more than once.

I've also sent an email to Apple Accessibility. they haven't answered, but they've lately refused to answer any questions about using a feature with voiceOver. They seem to only want to answer VoiceOver specific questions.



By Quinton Williams on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 07:39

Hi there.
I gave up on trying to do this with finder, so just ended up downloading iMazing.
I use it for many things, transferring ringtones is something I do quite often with it.
You can buy the app, however transferring tones is accessible′