Switch bitwin languages typing

By Lielle ben simon, 1 October, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps

I Serch the opption to set short cut to for ward bitwin 2 languages hebrew and english.
I know that i can set short cut, or to change short cut exsist.
How i can to do this?
Thenk you.



By Alan on Sunday, September 28, 2014 - 07:55

Try something like:
1. Go to Apple/prefferences/keyboard, and add any new keyboard you want.
2. Verify the corresponding checkbox to show keyboard menu on the menu bar.
3. I'm not in front of my Mac now, but there is a tab named something like shortcuts or quick functions, in whitch you can deffine shortcuts for any keypresses, this is a table where you can activate the switching keyboard feature (by default it's set to option+spacebar), so, each time you press option+spacebar you will changing your default keyboard layout for the next one.

I'm using OSX 10.9 in spanish,, maybe someone who uses it in english could help a little with the exact element names.

Good luck.