Sorry, more help needed with Mac Book Air

By Callum Stoneman, 18 May, 2013

macOS and Mac Apps
Hi again, Sorry for posting too much about this Mac Book air, but I have another question. I've managed to find out how to search the app store, but still haven't managed to get my PC iTunes library on to my mac yet, so I need some help with that if anyone can. The other questions I have, firstly, the first app I've just downloaded is menu tab for Facebook. It says in the app store it is installed, but I can't find where it is on the mac. I can navigate to the doc and the desktop but it's not on either of them. Can someone tell me where new installed apps go and the keyboard commands to get to it? Also how do I add an app to my desktop? If someone could tell me how to do that and the commands that would be great. Thanks very much and as I said, sorry for posting so much about this :)



By chris R on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 07:45

Copying this here also from your other post. Hi, Menu tag for Facebook is a menu-bar app, so it lives in the part of the menu-bar that Voice over calls the menu extras section. To get to this press VO-M twice until you're in the menu extras, and the app will be somewhere on the left part of this. To open it, Press VO-space on it. Also, menu tag for Facebook has its own built-in hotkey, so if you press control-F from any part of the Mac it will take you directly into the app. As regards opening Safari bookmarks, you don't press return or VO-Space on a bookmark to open it, as this simply lets you rename it, hence your confusion with the editable fields. Instead you must double-click it with the trackpad, or hold down the space-bar until it opens. This is not immediately apparent. In order to add an app to the desktop, the easiest way is to find the app you're looking for, bring up the context menu by pressing VO-Shift-M, and select make alias. After you have done this, a new file with extension .alias will have been created, and you will be in a position to rename it. Press return and copy it to the clipboard with command-C. Next move to the desktop with VO-shift-D and paste in the .alias file with command-V. An alias is the same as a shortcut in Windows. Also, in case you didn't know, to add an app to the dock, press command-shift-t when it is selected. All installed apps usually live in the applications folder, which can be accessed by pressing Command-Shift-A from anywhere in the finder. Hope this helps, Chris :-).

By Dave Nason on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 07:45

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by chris R

Hi. When you download an app from the internet, it will first go into the Downloads folder, which can be found in the Finder. From there you can install it by copying it to the Applications folder and opening it (Command+O). If you download from the App Store, it'll install automatically and you'll find it in the Applications folder. You can get to the Applications folder by pressing Command+Shift+A. If you insist on having the app on your desktop: While in the Applications folder, navigate to the app and open the context menu by pressing Command+Option+Shift+M and create an alias. Copy and paste or drag and drop the alias to the desktop. However I wouldn't advise this. As others have said, the desktop isn't used in this way on Mac. Best to get out of the Windows mind-set. Instead, put it on your dock by pressing Command+Shift+T. You can re-arrange the apps on your dock as you want, and first letter navigation works on it too, so it's very easy and convenient to use. If the app your talking about has been installed successfully, then Chris says it'll be on your Menu Extras bar, which you get to by pressing Command+Option+M twice. Certain types of apps install menus on the Menus Extras bar for convenience. I'm not sure I want to take responsibility for migrating your iTunes library :) but as far as I know, it should be fairly simple. If you have your iTunes library on an external drive, which is the first step, then you should be able to open iTunes on the Mac and drag and drop the library on to iTunes. One issue you might have though is around the formatting of the external drive. It was a couple of years ago but I think I formatted it for Mac but kept a Windows partition. If you're struggling, it might be worth going to an Apple store or something. Lots of people need help with migrating data. Good luck.