Scanning a qr code on Mac

By Siobhan, 6 February, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

I don't think the beta applies. I posted about trying to get my Spectrum access to the free Disney plus. The problem is that the code does disappear which i understand. However, there's no reliable way to see the code and capture it. Unless i could take a screen shot and hope an app will scan it for me. I can get sighted help it's just annoying. Does anyone have any help to give on this?I tried my phone, light on and off, and I was hoping maybe a future release will build in a a keyboard shortcut to scan a QR code.



By Bruce Harrell on Monday, February 5, 2024 - 05:57

have you tried that command when the code appears? Only other thing I can suggest is take a photo and have it decoded by one of the OCR apps, or, get sighted assistance, or, call them to get help, or, file a complaint with the FCC if you're in the US.

Good luck!