Hello All,
Recently after updating to Mac OSX Sierra I had difficulties with how my trackpad worked. It felt like many of my old gestures were now doing a lot of new and unfamiliar actions. I went into the system preferences and played with the settings until the trackpad worked in a more familiar fashion. However, now I have a lot of extra key strokes involved with webpage navigation in Safari I would like to eliminate.
My current difficulties concern navigating web content in Safari after entering a web address. Before the Sierra update and reconfiguring the trackpad settings, when I entered a web address and the page loaded, the voice over cursor automatically jumped onto the page's first item and I could immediately begin navigating the page. Additionally, with headings set as the first item in the web rotor I could immediately navigate headings with quick nav up or down arrows. Now the web rotor seems to randomly lose its setting and choose another option.
In short, I would greatly appreciate any guidance that would help me figure out whether this is a Sierra bug or just a setting I can reconfigure. I would like to be able to enter a web address and have the voice over cursor automatically jump into the page for navigation as well as have my web rotor remain set to it's first option or the last selection. As it stands after I enter a web address it takes me several key strokes to get out of the tool bar and down into the page to begin navigation. Please help me eliminate this annoyance.
Thanks In Advance,
Mark Mullen