I have a Mac Mini at my office and would like to take it home for some work. When i tried this, Voiceover never came up, as I don't have a monitor or a mouse at home.
When I did hook it up to someone's monitor, something on the screen implied that the Mini won't run without a mouse. Is this true? Or is it possible to just use the Mac mini with a keyboard and NOT the mouse or monitor.
Thanks for your thoughts.
You will need a monitor or a display emulator, but not a mouse
I am using the latest 2014 Mac Mini without a mouse right now, however you will need a screen or an emulator. CompuLab, for example, makes headless display emulators. You plug it into the HDMI port, and the Mac will recognise it as a display.
Without a screen, Mac OS will run slower. VoiceOver should turn on.