Retrieval Based Voice Conversion RVC

By Chris Maae, 20 July, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

Dear Apple Vis Community,

I have been using retrieval-based voice conversion (RVC) successfully on Windows, but I am now using a Mac and I am wondering if RVC works on the Mac as well. I am utilizing this software purely for entertainment purposes. Additionally, I would appreciate any help with the installation process on the Mac. Thank you for your time and assistance.

Best regards,
Chris M



By Moopie Curran on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 - 03:28

I'm using to make AI covers of songs, for personal entertainment of course. But I've been watching videos about RVC, and it sounds neat, but I know NOTHING about coding and python. So I'm wondering the same thing, is it accessible on mac, and if so, what's the best way to do it?
Voicify is a godsend, and has provided me with quite a lot fun, but it's paid, and a caviat is you have to use chrome to use it, because safari on both iOS and mac don't see the dialogues that pop up after you feed your model an acappella track.

By Sysskuu on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 - 03:28

can I use it with Jaws?

By Chris Maae on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 - 03:28

It looks like some python code maybe necessory to launch the gui which i do not mind. Regarding using windows, yes it is accessible with the to main screen readers for that OS.

By Sysskuu on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 - 03:28

does it require a display card to use?

By Chris Maae on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 - 03:28

No, It does not need a display card in order to work. Be aware though that the less powerful your CPU is, it may take a bit longer to convert if you are inferencing a voice model, or especially if you are training a new voice model to use. It is not a deal breaker though if your CPU is a bit on the less powerful side. Hope this helps.

By techluver on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 - 03:28

I'm on an apple silicon mac. it keeps trying to use the MPS shaders that didn't work and gave me errors. given up for now.

By Moopie Curran on Thursday, February 1, 2024 - 03:28

I've been hearing good things about RVC, especially because it's locally stored. Is there a way to do RVC on my mac? It seems like there's a lot of programming knowledge involved in RVC in general, which I know nothing. Any help?

By Enes Deniz on Thursday, February 1, 2024 - 03:28

There's this thing called Google Colab but what exactly does it do? Does it let us do stuff that would otherwise require highly-enhanced hardware if done locally? Is it cross-platform? Can I train a voice model without a GPU just by using Colab? If yes, what do I need for that?

By Jblogg on Thursday, February 1, 2024 - 03:28

I am also looking to learn and get info on how tp run RVC on Mac M1. You can access RVC on google Collab, which basically runs the processing in the cloud. You edit the code on google collaborator (its kind of like G-sheets), and then when you run code, it runs in cloud.

By Moopie Curran on Thursday, February 1, 2024 - 03:28

The problem for me is I know NOTHING about writing code. But I'm more than willing to learn if it means making my family members and friends who's permission I have be able to sing. I want to be able to do this before the fun police swoop in and make it obselete. I do it with a service now, but with something like that, you don't know how long it will last, so something like RVC would be ideal, if I can learn to code, but I need a teacher, lol. I don't share my audio projects I do with AI and singing with anyone but close friends and family, but it's almost theraputic for me in a way, everyone needs that something that's just for fun. And if RVC is a way I can keep it going, I'd be more than happy to learn code.

By Quinton Williams on Monday, February 17, 2025 - 03:28

I've wanted to learn how to do this as well, especially real time streaming locally on macos. Google collab is a pain and would rather do everything locally if possible. None of the guides I've found have proven to be useful or helpful.