Reading text fonts and sizes and what about Text edit?

By Ramy, 9 October, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello all:
AM using My mac to Create a Professional Resume for myself, i finish writing all content, but what about formating?
how can i revise the fonts, colours? sizes etc? can VOice over help me with that?
And what about text edit usablility? can it produce a professional document?
thanks in advance



By Karina Velazquez on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 22:37

Hello I use a lot of text editing for my job, and in 2019 I made the mistake of thinking that I could throw away my PC and substitute it with a MacBook Air, what a mistake!
I was never able to be as proficient in editing text in word there as I was and I am in windows with word, I think their voiceover needs to make a big jump.

By Ramy on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 22:37

While i was doing my master and PHD, i tried using mac, and i purchased the myMac Pages book.
very helpful, but i should have a deep learning kerve to use it.
so, i stuck to windows until i finish my researches,
but now, i do not want to make heavy editing, just some simple formats, that is it