Read from current cursor position to end of document issue

By Oran, 17 February, 2025

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello, I am trying to find the key command for 'Read from current cursor to end of document' on my Mac Book Air. The keystroke V/O + A will only read from the beginning of the document in the 'Pages' app on the Mac Book. However, when reading a pdf and using the keystroke V/O + A I notice that voiceover will read from current position. Is there any solution or keystroke alternative I can use? With JAWS on pc all I need to do is press 'Insert + down arrow' and JAWS will read from that point to the end but Voiceover on mac sees to be different. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Óran



By TheBlindGuy07 on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 03:00

In Pages, it depends where you are in the interaction layer you must be in the body in the same place as the keyboard cursor is. For PDF although like on the web it will always start at the beginning of the current element (paragraph / line). VO-a works quite well for me inside pages, books and textedit.

By PaulMartz on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 03:00

There is a command, VO+B, that reads from beginning to VO cursor. This works - I just tested it. But I have no clue why I would ever use it, and in fact I've never used it in over ten years of daily VoiceOver use on MacOS.

Then there's VO+A. According to keyboard help, this reads the contents of the VoiceOver cursor. But as you've observed, it behaves differently in different apps. I've been frustrated with Pages, as VO+A seems to stop at the top of each page, making it challenging to read an entire document.

Then there's Google Docs. It has it's own command to read from current cursor location. This is what you would want. Unfortunately, I've never seen it do anything other than jump to a random location in the document and read from there.

It's almost like software testing is a thing of the past.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 03:00

VO-b is the equivalent of the 2 fingers flick up and vice versa for vo-a which is swipe down.
Funnily enough for whatever reason even after VO reboot vo-a is stuck in the comment field and don't read or go further...

By Brian on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 03:00

What used to work for me, is to turn on trackpad commander, or whatever it is called these days, and simply do a two finger swipe down on the trackpad. Just like you would do on your iPhone. And if you need to pause speaking, just do a two finger single tap on the trackpad. Again, just like you would on your iPhone.
Do make sure mouse tracking is enabled for this to work.


By Tyler on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 03:00

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

For me, I am able to get VO-A to work reliably in Pages by focusing on the body text field and then interacting with it, which seems to place the VoiceOver cursor at the position of the insertion point, which is the place I'd expect it to start reading from.