Question About Installation of Latest Updates

By Ekaj, 12 August, 2020

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi everyone. Subject line is pretty accurate. This question has more to do with a sister's MBA than mine. To make a long story short, she has had this security update for around 2 months now, that absolutely refuses to install no matter what we do. I have had a few cracks at it, as have our parents and her life-skills tutor. I spoke with said sister yesterday and the day before via Face Time, and she told me that they are finally, hopefully, going to call the Geek Squad at Best Buy. She is a VoiceOver and Siri user. My question is basically this. Has anyone on here used the Geek Squad before, and if so what was their approach towards Apple's accessibility features like VoiceOver? There is also a local? place that I'm told only deals with Apple products, and we could perhaps look there. But for whatever reason nobody has done much about this other than attempting to delete some visual stuff in Apple Music/iTunes. . I guess I'm posting this in part out of frustration that I seem to be the one and only experienced screen reader user in the area. Our brother is a very experienced screen reader user, but he lives and works in another state. Additionally, it seems very few people in the area use Macs. But that might be a rant for later. Is it not true that installing these security updates helps out immensely? Any help is greatly appreciated. As y'all might have guessed, she is one of those people who I think learns better if a live human being is helping her. No disrespect to sites like AppleVis and Mac for the Blind.
