Possible Bug with Labeling Tracks in Music

By Ekaj, 22 February, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi all. Subject pretty much sums it up. For whatever reason Migration Assistant didn't transfer all my music from my previous Mac to this one, so my personal assistant and I just finished doing that. All but 2 CDs were imported, and I'll look for those 2 when I have more time. But some of the CDs were burned and don't contain the track titles/artists, and when I attempted to label them before using VoiceOver the order got all screwed up. I don't particularly want that happening again, hence my question. Does anyone know if this bug has been squashed? I could easily find that out for myself, but would rather not as he and I spent a good few days on this project. Tia for anyone's assistance with this.



By Kevin Shaw on Monday, February 20, 2023 - 19:07

Are you going through Get Info or labeling inside the table view?
I haven't found any issues when pressing command-I and using the Get Info dialog to edit tracks in Music. window.

By Ekaj on Monday, February 20, 2023 - 19:07

I've been going through my library sorted by album, but earlier today I changed it to sort by Song. I haven't had much time to full around with it because of meetings, but will do more hopefully this weekend. I had some duplicate tracks though which I removed. For at least one of the CDs I have to probably call a friend. It's his former band and I forget all the track titles. The album title is there though, as is the artist.