Pdfs with safari

By Brie96, 5 February, 2016

macOS and Mac Apps

I've had to do a lot of research for school lately, and most of these research articles are PDFs. When I open the articles I open them in a new window in Safari, and sometimes I am able to read them. Other times, The last thing I can find on my screen is the vertical splitter. All of the other buttons are still there, e.g. new tab minimize and close, but I am unable to find the window to read the PDF. If I turn voiceover off and have a friend click on the PDF, voiceover will then read it but I cannot figure out how to do this myself.
Any suggestions?
Thank you



By KE7ZUM on Thursday, February 11, 2016 - 07:45

Hit option enter from the address bar to download the file. This should work.

Take care.

Thank you so much for the suggestion, but unfortunately this was not successful. It's not a downloadable PDF they just open in the web browser. The PDFs themselves are accessible because once I turn off boiceover and a sighted friend clicks on the PDF, voiceover can read it in the browser.