Hi, all. I literally stumbled upon a way to make Kindle cloud Reader perfectly useable on the Mac with Google chrome. I found a Chrome extension called readAloud, which is free. It's very customizable, with keyboard shortcuts and a number of voice options, including using Mac voices like Alex. I set up keystrokes for toggling it on and off and for playing and pausing speech. It already has a few default keystrokes. once that was set up, I went to the Kindle cloud Reader site and opened a book. Once I was focused on the reading area, I used my customized keystroke to invoke ReadAloud, and it began reading the book, with none of the pauses between words that happen with Voiceover. I just thought I would point this out, because I'm now having a great time reading Kindle books on my Mac! I don't know if Safari has an equivalent method, but I might check, just out of curiosity. Thanks and enjoy! I'd be happy to clarify or answer any questions. Happy reading!