Most accessible way to use tor on mac os10?

By trey, 18 November, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi everyone hope you're doing well and staying safe a big thank you to those that helpped me with my last post :-) it's been a few years since I've looked into this and I'm currently running Monterey on a late 2019 MacBook Pro. currently what is the most accessible way of accessing and running tor on mac os? Thanks very much for your help everyone :-)



By Mlth on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 - 06:14

Depending on what you use it for, last I checked the Tor Browser was fairly accessible with VoiceOver.
Alternatively, if you need just Tor, you can install it via the command line or your package manager. I used homebrew for it, and that worked well.
Keep in mind that the Tor team generally recommend that you use their browser when web browsing, and installing stand-alone Tor should only be done if you need it for other things that aren't web browsing.


By Maldalain on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 - 06:14

I use the Tor Onion Browser, and it works perfect. Some require some maneuvers but it is doable by the end of the day.