Mac os and compiling espeak

By Chris Bruinenberg, 26 June, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps

I know i'm one of the few who likes Espeak but i can't figure out how to get it working under Mac OS.
I know it is possible to do this but would anybody know how?



By Brandt on Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 15:29

Hi there,

I also would like to use eSpeak on the mac, thus did a lot of research and messing about. As far as I can figure it is not possible to use it with Voiceover. It is mainly used from the terminal, what for I really cannot say, for I simply do not know.

I actually need it for my home language which is not supported by any other synthesizers.

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

By burak on Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 15:29

Hi you can download espeak from
I don't know what you would do, but you can download it from there.