.m3u playlists in iTunes on Mac

By Jessica Brown, 14 October, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi. Is there a way to use .m3u playlists in iTunes for the mac or is there an app or program for converting .m3u playlists into iTunes playlists that can be used with iTunes? Thank you.



By dvdmth on Saturday, October 18, 2014 - 22:24

It's been a while since I last imported an m3u playlist into iTunes. If I recall correctly, iTunes will open m3u files, but it merely imports the items in the playlist file into the iTunes library, without creating an iTunes playlist. So, I had to first create a playlist within iTunes, name it whatever I wanted to call it, then import the m3u file into the playlist I created. That imported the files and kept them in the correct order, assuming the playlist is set to manual sort order.

When I did this, I had better vision, and I imported the m3u file by dragging the file onto the playlist I had created within iTunes. When using VoiceOver, I suppose a copy and paste would work, but having never done that, I can't say for sure. In any event, it is essential that you create a playlist in iTunes first before trying to import the m3u file, if you want iTunes to treat the contents as a playlist.

I hope this helps.

By Usman on Saturday, October 18, 2014 - 22:24

iTunes does in fact open m3u files. I'm not sure about actual playlists as the m3u that I open are listen live links for various streams which happen to be m3u.