By John Moore, 21 March, 2012
macOS and Mac Apps
Hi all. Does anyone know of a good and accessible IRC client for the Mac? I am in need of one and have never worked with IRC before. I am also not comfortable with the Terminal. I am testing two out right now, XChat Aqua and Coloqui. XChat works with Lion for people that are wondering. THanks for the help.
Maybe Colloquy
Coloquy seems to work fine.
Coloquy seems to work fine. The interface, anyway. I wasn't able to get the chat console to give me anything useful despite apparently being connected, so I'm not sure if it's just my network acting up as it has been lately. I'm not sure about getting automatically spoken output, however, if you prefer to have that. It doesn't seem to support Growl, at least not Growl 1.3. There's another client called Macirrsi which has always worked very well. Only downside to it is that you'll have to pipe the output through something like Espeak in the Terminal if you want it automatically. I'm still looking for something a lot less technical. Most people might just want something that you set up, enable preferred notification methods and there you go. At any rate, my Coloquy findings weren't very successful, but that doesn't mean it's not gonna work. It may just be me being too quick to draw conclusions, though the interface looked fairly good. Feel free to add to this. :)
there is a multi-protocol client called adium that supports irc and is accessible, I do not know how adium supports this protocol, I was unsatisfied with miranda for windows, but now it's many years I do not use IRC!
I did consider including
From what I've found, Coloquy