Lag when typing and navigating with voiceover in Word/Pages on the Mac

By Dr Blinder, 30 June, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

I am both Jaws and Voiceover user. I have noticed that on the Mac, when I type text in Word or Pages or try and navigate ie position the cursor or read back words, the reading back of the letters is slower compared to when I type and navigate using Jaws on Windows.
I am a fast touch typer and on Windows and JAWS when I type, the characters are read back immediately, with the Mac there is almost a delay. I have used both a Magic Mac keyboard on the Mac and a wired keyboard (but both have the issue).
I have increased the speed of voiceover, but anything beyond 60 percent and it is hard to make sense of anything.
Basically the way I can describe it is, JAWS when typing and editing words is fast and responsive, wheras voiceover is rather slower. It means that when typing big documents, this delay really adds up, and makes the Mac unproductive.
I would appreciate any comments from touch typers who use both Jaws for Windows and voiceover on the MAC.
Kind regards Michael UK
