Installing a program from a zip file on mac

By Tristo, 29 March, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi all, so I've download an installer package from the internet, and it has come as a zip folder, I open it, and it has a hole list of folders including an instelation folder. There is a document in this that only opens in notepad and will not install. Does anyone know what to do to install programs like this?



By Siobhan on Monday, March 28, 2022 - 01:42

Hi. Usually you are opening a file with a .dmg extension, this is different from windows. Once you open it, find the file that has the name of your program. for instance say it's called, storm. so you would find Storm, copy with command C move to the applications folder with command shift A then paste with command V. Now storm should be in your applications folder. To save errors, I close the folder, then press on storm. see if that helps. If not, sorry dude it's four in the morning. :) btw, I forgot to add I meant close the zip folder just so you don't get confused. You will know it worked if you hear a little sound like a ping. sorry if i'm not making sense see above time comment.

By Maldalain on Monday, March 28, 2022 - 01:42

Either you find a file with PKG extension or .APP extension. If it is the former, then open and proceed with classic installation procedure, if it is .app then copy the file and paste it into your application directory. To open the Applications directory press CMD+Shift+A