Hi all. For some reason, especially when I log into a site, I'll start tabbing through to find the element I need. I keep hearing "Ignoring next key press". One site is emiles.com or south west rapid rewards shopping site. I can only get rid of this, by closing, reopening my Mac. If anyone know how to stop this, let me know. I can't even shut off voice over and turn it back on. Please, hope someone know what this is, because it's crazy. Thanks.
Voiceover modifier
Are you using the caps lock key as the Voiceover modifier? That can sometimes cause the Voiceover modifier to lock when interacting with password fields, causing a press on the tab key to appear to the system as VO tab, which tells Voiceover to ignore the next command and send it straight to the running application. Using the control and option keys instead should resolve this problem.