I really need some help/guidence with VoiceOver using my Mac. Any help would abe appreciated. I also dried to download the iO

By JimK, 8 February, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps

See subject: help finding apps, or member suggestions on this subject. Thanks, Jim



By Siobhan on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:08

Hi Jim. Yoru subject got cut off, I think you wrote to much in the field. :) Anyway let's take this step by step. If you have skype, I can skype you or we can work out something else. but we'll take things step by step. Let me know what you need.

By Ekaj on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:08

Hi. I'm happy to help you out too, but I don't have Skype or any of that. But a good place to start is the on-board Voiceover tutorial, if you haven't done that already. It is accessed by pressing Control Option Command F8. It only walks you through some of the commands, but is very good and it's interactive. In addition, there are some excellent resources right on this site in the Guides section, and under Podcast.