I need help with rs games on my Mac.

By Emily Alexina, 15 June, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

I am not sure if anyone can help me, but I am leaving Help with RS games on my Mac. I am trying to download rs games and it is not working, it just keeps saying can’t verify this app or something like that, this is not my first time downloading rs games to my mac because I’ve had this issue before and somehow I managed to, by pass it, but I don’t remember the Steps I took. I heard rs games server is down, so is this the problem? But I don’t think it is, because like I said I had the same error message the first time when downloading rs games. Any help would be appreciative.



By Siobhan on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - 13:27

Find the downloaded file, Voice over shift M to get into the context menu. Then go down to open and voice over space on it. That should help.

By Emily Alexina on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - 13:27

I’ve tried this and there’s no open in the menu bar. It just says hide or force close app, and so on.

By Igna Triay on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - 13:27

Go into system settings, security and privacy, you'll see a open anyway button, after you've tried to open rs games once. Press it, then it'll allow you to open the app normally, you just have to do this the one time.