How to use the Apple translater in Safari on Mac with VoiceOver

By María, 24 March, 2021

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello everyone,
some time ago, I asked this question here in the forum and someone sent me a link regarding the new translator in SAfari. Hoewever, the link says that when you enter in SAfari in a page, wahtever, appears a bouton called translate and that. there are some options., However, with VoiceOver I don't find that boutonm and so, I don't find the way to use the translator, with the Mac, so, plese could someone explain to me?. Many thanks in advance.
Best regards:



By Carlos Alonso on Thursday, March 18, 2021 - 22:16

Hello, I tried this on a site in Spanish and it worked for me, so when Safari detects a supported foreign language, voiceover announces 'translation available', navigate to the address bar with Command+L, then vo+right arrow to get to the 'translation available' item, vo+space and then arrow down to the 'translate page' option. After a few seconds the page I was on was translated to English, and I would say that the translation was quite good.
I don't know if Safari will translate a page that is already the same as the language your Mac is set to, I think this will only work with foreign supported languages, but I could be wrong, I'll try to find if a page could be translated from English to another language.
Hope this helps.

By Carlos Alonso on Thursday, March 18, 2021 - 22:16

Ok, so actually I found out that in the translate menu I mentioned above, you can set your language preferances, if I change Safari to Spanish then I an translate to English, and after I change bak the preferred language to English, now even pages that are already in English can be translated to other language.
Hope this helps