How to switch languages on Mac

By jane suh, 27 June, 2017

macOS and Mac Apps

I have a question.
I'm working with two languages,
English and Korean.
I need an easier way to switch from one language to another.
I've already added the languages and keyboard in the system by System preferences.
I can't press command space to switch because it's the command for spotlight.
Any help is appreciated .



By DrummerGuy on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 - 01:38

In order to switch languages, press and hold Option, Command and Control plus down arrow or up arrow. If the language has been set, it will wswitch to the one you want. Hope this has been of help to you. Cheers.

By DrummerGuy on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 - 01:38

Toggle quick nav to off and then press the right arrow. That's how I do it and it works. Hope it works for you, too. Cheers.

By Apple Khmer on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 - 01:38

Assign a different key stroke to toggle between language keyboards, since you have assigned the command+spacebar to Spotlight.