Is there a way to remotely control a Mac when using Voiceover?
I know of screensharing, but that does not transmit the audio between the macs... So does any of you know of any good alternative that will work like the NVDA remote on Windows?
Thanks in advance
Best regards Thomas
One workaround:
The only workaround I can think of is to use an app like Team Viewer, so your keyboard controls the remote Mac. Then, use FaceTime or Skype and have the other Mac set up so the microphone picks up the audio, letting you hear it. It's far from ideal, I know, but it's the only option at this point.
Alex, Team Viewer allows audio from the other side though. I'm looking for something like this myself to help a friend with her computer.
VoiceOver Tandom
I have this question too? I wonder how I can I remotely control another Mac computer with VoiceOver like you can do it with Jaws Tandom. sometime my students need to change setting and they can't do it yet so it would be more convenience for me if I can remotely change the setting for them, but of course with their permission.