How to export a power point file in a readable text with my Mac or Iphone?

By María, 8 March, 2021

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi All,
I would like to know if there is any native way or any app in the App store for Mac or Iphone for convert or export the contain fo a Power Point file in a readable text, I mean, a rtf, txt, Pages or Docx file. I would need if for transferring afterwards the file into my Chameleon 20 and be able to work with it. With I power POint I don't know how to do it, and anyway I couldn't transfer it into my Braille display. Many thanks in advance



By SplendidFault on Monday, June 28, 2021 - 02:02


If you're comfortable with the terminal, you can use Pandoc to convert between a bunch of documents, including .pptx files. After you install Pandoc, cd to the directory where the files you want to convert are located and type:

pandoc -o converted.txt original.pptx

Substitute original.pptx with the file you want to convert. converted.txt can have any name you want. Just make sure that you append the file extension.