How to adjust EQ settings in iTunes?

By Usman, 6 August, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi all,
I want to adjust EQ settings in iTunes. I tried playing around in the playback section of preferences but didn't find much. Is there a section of iTunes where EQ settings are adjustable?



By Rixon Smith on Monday, August 11, 2014 - 07:53

If you hit alt I Orkin man I depending on the operating system you're using it will bring up the information setting and ask if you want to edit the information in regards to the files on the computer then you need to go to the forest have and go through there and you should find equalizer the equalizer has preset settings though so I'm not sure how to help you be on that

By Usman on Monday, August 11, 2014 - 07:53

I should add that I'm on the mac. I don't think that work around you mentioned will work but I will try.