Hi I have a few questions about working with voiceover

By eli4785, 4 December, 2013

macOS and Mac Apps
hi I already know the basic of using the voiceover and how to work with the quicknav but i have a few things that i didn't figure out yet and i would be happy if you will help me 1.on a web browser how do i do save target as... for a file (audio file file for example that i would like to download instead of listening on the web browser player) 2.on iTunes how do I go forward and backward inside a song ? 3.on the mail program how do i open a link when its read it for me? thanks Elad



By JimInTexas on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 - 07:51

1. If you just want to download a file and not listen to it you can press option-enter on that filename or link and it should automatically download the file for you. You can check its download progress by pressing command-option-l. 2. The keystrokes to move back and forward in a song in iTunes are Command-Option-Left arrow to move backward and Command-Option-Right arrow to move forward. Under the help menu is a whole listing of keys that can be used for shortcuts. 3. In mail on the link if you do the equivalent of right-click which is vo-shift-m, open link is an option under the menu. Hope this helps. Jim

By eli4785 on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 - 07:51

Thanks for your answers I have one more question how do I add a application to the dock? thanks elad
Hi! While your application is open it will appear in the doc. If you use the keystroke vo-d to go to the doc and then arrow to your application you will be given some extra choices by arrowing up and down. When you find the Options option Keep in doc is one of your choices. If you enter on that choice the application should remain in the doc from now on.

By Scott Davert on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 - 07:51

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hello. The keyboard command for this depends on which version of OSX you're running. Prior to Mavericks, you could find the item in your Finder, and then press Shift+Command+T. With Mavericks, the command has changed to Shift+Control+Command+T. The first command when used in Mavericks will Show the Tab Bar.