Creating iMovie project with voiceover where the music starts and finishes before the video starts

By Jim Jackson, 15 March, 2017

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello all, I need a step by step tutorial on how to insert music in to an iMovie project and have it begin and end prior to the video I wish to insert in to the project. I'm a newby so I need simpley step by step instructions. I'm available on skype also if somebody wants to instruct in that manner. Thanks



By Joseph Westhouse on Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 22:18

I'm far from an expert, so hopefully I will not lead you astray. So I'm assuming you want the music to start over a blank screen, before the video portion begins? If so, try this. Assuming you've already inserted your video clip:

1. Make sure your playhead is at the start of the track.

2. Select the Titles button to bring up the list of titles. Then go to the grid and select a title type (I used Centered—I don't know if it matters).

3. Hit Q to insert this title at the playhead position. This should insert it in front of your video.

4. Click the trackpad to get the cursor to interact properly with the title, and make sure all the text is deleted—that way you have black space rather than a filler title.

5. If you need to change the default length of your blank space, go to the button/checkbox that says Clip Info (I think) and select it, then VO right until you find a Duration text field and edit it with the number of seconds you want before your video starts.

6. Now you're ready to add music. Make sure your playhead is at the beginning, if that's where you want the music to start, then select Audio, and find the song you want in your iTunes library, and hit Q to add it at the playhead position. It will appear in your timeline, in a separate row below your video and title.

7. The song should continue to play until you tell it to stop, even if there's no video. So just decide where you want the video to end, and either interact with the clip and drag the trailing edge handle back tot hat point (not the ideal option imo) or just pause when you're at the desired end point and split the clip (command + B), then delete the second clip that you created.

Warning: One thing I haven't figured out an accessible way to do is to fade audio in and out. If you want to have your music fade in or out you'll either need to do that in a separate program and then import it into your project with the fade already applied, or you'll need sighted help. Unless someone here can tell us how to do it with VO, which would be epic.

So, hopefully I haven't steered you wrong. I'm not actually on my Mac so I couldn't verify all these directions but I think I remember them correctly. Let me know if anything needs clarification, and good luck!

By Lily M on Friday, September 18, 2020 - 22:18

In reply to by Joseph Westhouse

It's been a few years since this post and reply, has anyone figured out how to have the music fade in/out?