Copying the path of a file folder in Finder and adding this to context menu permanently?

By trey, 9 January, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi everyone hope you're doing well and staying safe. I'm running macOS Big Sur. I want to be able to copy the folder and file paths of files and folders to the clipboard and have this option in the Finder context menu permanently how do I do this please?
thank you for your help everyone :)



By Jason White on Friday, January 28, 2022 - 07:24

Navigate to the "copy" option in the context menu of the file, or go to the Finder menu (Edit->Copy). Then hold down the option key. The menu option changes from copying the file to copying the path to the file. Then press enter, while still holding the option key.

By Jakob Rosin on Friday, January 28, 2022 - 07:24

Why not just press CMD+Option+C? This copies the file or folder as path.

By Bruce Harrell on Friday, January 28, 2022 - 07:24

Hi. OK, so I press command option c, but when? Once I've focused on the file, or after I've focused on copy in the context menu?
And I believe the poster asked to learn how he can add the file to his context menu. Does anyone know how to do that?