Apple releases developer tool to port games over

By Siobhan, 11 June, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

I'll get this spelling wrong but Draconess entertainment has Silver dollar and now change reaction 3.0 ported to the mac. They also will be porting other games over. The Mac developer tool will hopefully mean I can have more games as I know the Mac is sorely lacking in anything to play. I found this on mac rumors website. Here's to more Mac games soon.



By kool_turk on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - 12:56

While it may sound promising, a dedicated graphics card is necessary for many mainstream games. Audio games, of course, won't be affected. However, if you plan on playing games that heavily rely on high-end graphics processing, integrated graphics won't suffice.

The real test will be to see how many game developers actually bring their games to the Mac. Until we witness the actual results, rather than just the selectively presented content during keynotes, we won't have a clear idea.

By Siobhan on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - 12:56

Thanks for answering, i hadn't quite thought of mainstream games simply because as you said, without a dedicated graphics card and most of us are fine with the onboard one, it wouldn't really work with anything half the world is playing. I was simply hoping developers take this and run with it so to speak so there can be a change in the framework of more and better games. before anyone thinks i'm putting down what's out there, I am not. but it would be nice to have more puzzle games, the old wold west game bavisoft I used to play comes to mind as it was true talent. Yes you had to buy it but it was a fun yet frustrating game at times. what's playable on here is ok but some of the genres just do not interest me. Whenever I see a developer coming out with an app I try to contact them off of here to avoid either the, can I have a promo code?, or the thread filling with yeah i'll beta test it, without following instructions such as sending the OP an email or signing up at their site. Here's the link for more reading. Let's see what's coming down the pipeline as it were. is starting to port their stuff over.