How to create keyboard shortcuts for accessibility feature settings on MacBook Pro

By tomtom-foils, 17 January, 2025

Low Vision Accessibility on Apple Products


I really like the accessibility features provided by apple, but I am missing some control options. With low vision I am using those tools all the time in different settings and combinations.


Toggle between zoom views "full screen" and "split screen"

I want to change quickly between full screen zoom and split-screen zoom. In windows each mode has its own keyboard shortcut. Is it possible to create those shortcuts on a mac? I found a shortcut for toggeling between full screen and pip mode. Is it possible to modify this one?


I want to toggle the switch for Accessibility->Spoken Content->"Speak item under the pointer" by creating and using a keyboard shortcut

If anybody knows something about that topic please share your knowledge.

I am really looking forward to "hearing" from you.



By Levi Gobin on Sunday, January 19, 2025 - 21:20

In there, in the sidebar scroll down to Accessibility.
There, you can see all possible shortcuts you can change. If you want to change one, interact with the name of the shortcut if using VoiceOver, and activate where it says the keys used in the shortcut, then input your own. Then, click done to apply your changes.