How to activate Hand Writing feature anywhere but in the rotor

By makkenai, 16 October, 2022

Low Vision Accessibility on Apple Products


I have the feature Hand Writing under my rotor on my iphone ios16.
I dont like it when i im scrolling through my rotor options and i land on Hand Writing, is kinda locks into that feature and i have to do a two finger scrub to get out of it.
I just think this feature would be better under another way to activate and not have it in the rotor settings.
Is there a way to do. This cause i do like it when i boot up my device and use Hand Writing to sign in with my passocde.
Other then that i really dont use it at all.

Thanks mak



By makkenai on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 - 21:40

I have found under Commands in Voice Over there is a Hand Writing section to select a gesture and i have tried more then once now , but none of the gestures is responding to activate the Hand Writing feature.
I also have doubled checked if the gesture was not in use anywhere else and its not. I finally thought i had found it but this does not seem to be working.
Anyone knows why ?

I select the gesture then slect the command Launch App i think that is the way to activate it this way.
Perhaps i am doing something wrong ...
Thanks mak