Accessibility features regularly stop working after upgrading to iOS 16.3.1

By LLZ, 12 March, 2023

Low Vision Accessibility on Apple Products

My brother uses accessibility apps on his IPhone 13 Pro. He uses high contrast and inverted screen, text to speech and zoom controls, and since the 16.3.1 update, the accessibility features will stop working and he has to shutdown.When he tries to reboot his device, he gets a pinwheel and he has to do a forced shutdown (multiple attempts) in order for it to work again. After multiple visits to the Apple Store, they reproduced his settings on a phone not connected to iCloud and it reproduced the same errors. They concluded this update has affected the accessibility features. The same thing is happening on his iPad. Has anyone else experienced this issues? Know of any fixes?



By Ryder on Sunday, April 9, 2023 - 22:03

I have not seen that however, ios 16.4 is out so perhaps that might be something to try and see if that clears it up? I’m on 16.4 and haven’t had any issues.

By JonBigDog on Friday, June 9, 2023 - 22:03

After upgrading to 16.4.1 it fixed nothing and added more fatal bgs if you are blind. I spoke with a friend who works at Appple and he said accessibility is no longer considered a core feature to have working for a software release. Problem is his team gets reassigned after his modules release and no one fixes the bugs they know about. This started with IOS 16 and I’m sure everyone who uses Voiceover has found IOS 16 to be nearly unUnuseable at times. Dictation that double enters all that is said, no active button to stop recording dictation so have to wait 20 seconds to end on its own, buttons that are behind active windows in VO so have to leave VO to select them, magnifier now resets to ) magnification after each use instead of defaulting to last used, VO reading random text from previous windows, delays in Ssiri listening so you have to wait several seconds before talking, not to mention Siri no longer understands English and makes up what you say. These have all been there since 16 and have not been fixed. Apple used to be a saviour for thse with disabilities but it now is buggier than Windows Vista in in its day. Its disappointing to have Apple abandon us.