I've just started using whatsapp for some groups I'm in, I really like it, and think it's neat, but one thing I'm noticing is whew, it absolutely devours my battery! Is there any way to prevent this? I rarely have to charge my phone during the day, I put it on the charger around 9 at night, get it off when I go to sleep round midnight, then it's good to go until the next night around nine. Now, I'm finding myself having to top off around midday. I turned off background app refresh, but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. The groups I'm in do a lot of voice messages, I don't know if that makes a difference. Is there any way to decrease the battery drain associated with whatsapp?
I'm using a 6-month-old iPhone SE 2020, and I turned on low power mode, and it's still draining more than I think it should. The only thing different since the battery drain started was installing whatsapp.