What is the speaking bar?

By steven carey, 29 April, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Hello everyone,
Can someone explain to me what the speaking bar is? I do not know why this has happened and I have not seen it before but on the left hand side of my iPhone a button has suddenly appeared called the speaking bar. I have not even been into settings so I do not know where it came from. However, if I do a double click the top of the screen becomes a <rewind> <fast forward> screen with <decrease speaking rate> on the left and <increase speaking rate> on the right.
When this is activated, I get the reading of an e-mail I had open this morning while I can also move my finger over the apps on my screen and read those too.
What is this and how can I get rid of it?

Thank you?




By Justin on Sunday, April 26, 2015 - 07:38

Hi steve.
It sounds like you've got the speak screen turned on. This is a new feature in iOS 8 that allows you to automatically read information on the screen without VoiceOver turned on. There should be an option in accessibility panel of settings screen for turning it on/off.

By steven carey on Sunday, April 26, 2015 - 07:38

In reply to by Justin

Hello Justin,
Brilliant and thank you. I'd missed that one in the 'new features' notes when the latest version of IOS came out. I went to settings and found the button you spoke about and it was set to <on>.
One interesting thing though is that I have the settings folder on the second row in position one of my iPhone 6 right next to the <speak screen> button and because of that <settings> would not open when double tapped. I tried other folders like <music>, <books> and one I call <navigation> which are all some way away from the <settings> folder and they opened fine. I had to move the <settings> folder to a free spce in order to get it to open correctly. Is this a bug in IOS 8.3?


By Justin on Sunday, April 26, 2015 - 07:38

I know that I can move around apps just finee, like the settings, app store, etc. I'm having no issues moving apps around on my screen if thats what ya are referring to. No problem about the speak screen thingy advice. I'd actually never used it, just remembered it from some podcast on here. Glad to help, and if theres anything I and others can do, just post on here.
Take care, and have a wonderful day!!

By steven carey on Sunday, April 26, 2015 - 07:38

Hello again Justin,
I've just read my last post again and it doesn't make sense! That will teach me to take time to review before I post! What I was trying to say was that when I tried to open the settings folder to check whether the speaking bar option was on, it wouldn't do anything. The settings folder on my iPhone 6 was right next to the speaking bar button (this was right on the left hand edge of the screen, second row to the left of position 1) and I discovered that settings would not open because the speaking bar button was to the left of it. I checked this by double-tapping on other folders such as music, messages and one I call books and they opened fine. I then moved settings away from the speking bar button to the bottom row and it would then open. The music folder was then next to the speaking bar button and would not open. I went back to settings, opened accessibility and switched off the speaking bar which deleted the speaking bar button, moved settings back to row 2, position 1 and it opened fine. Could this be an IOS 8.3 bug?


By vulcansummer on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 07:38

I've tried to turn off the speaking bar, but when I go into accessibility, I can't find the button to turn it off. Can anyone give me step by step instructions of how to turn off the speaking bar? Thanks so much.

By Eric Davis on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 07:38

Go to Settings then tap general, tap Accessibility, tap Speech. You will hear Voice Over say Speek Selection If this says that it is on, double tap to turn it off. This should resolve the issue.

By vulcansummer on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 07:38

Thank you for your help, Eric. I appreciate it very much. But the speak selection is already off and it's still bringing up the speech bar. Any guesses why?

By Fatima.Hamoud10 on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 07:38

In reply to by vulcansummer

You also need to disable the speak screen mode by going to settings>general>accessibility>speech. Scroll down until you hear "speak screen." Hope this helps.

By vulcansummer on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 07:38

Thanks to everyone for helping me solve this problem. I really appreciate it.